Refund and Returns Policy

We accept returns and exchanges for items purchased on if requested within 30 days of your order being delivered. Returns or exchanges for Store Credit are free of charge!


To arrange a return, please contact us via email: [email protected] for assistance.

When returning an item, please provide the following information: Customer name, order number, a detailed summary of the contents and your desire to return or exchange the item.

It is your responsibility to return the item, unless the item is faulty, damaged or if you receive an item that is not what you ordered.


We only accept returns within the 30-day period and the returned item must be in unworn, unwashed and unused condition, with the original packaging and proof of purchase, and the item must not be defective or worn through your fault.

We will not accept any products if:

– We do not offer refunds for products that are on sale or on sale.

– The returned product is not in its original condition: worn, scratched, damaged, or not in the original packaging.

– The product is returned outside the timeframes stated above.

– Pre-orders cannot be cancelled.

– No refunds are given for promotional products.

– Please note, any orders paid for with a gift card are non-refundable.

– Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer.


Refunds will be processed via the original payment method within 5 business days of our customer service team receiving your product. Alternatively, you may choose to retain store credit by selecting this option when sending the item back or notifying us via email.


Email: [email protected]

Working hours: 8am – 5pm (from Monday to Saturday)